The Black Pros On Money, Honey! is a frank discussion that provides the very best information on Tax Strategy, insights for Financial literacy and developments in the technology behind these sectors. Each week, you hear first hand accounts from seasoned practitioners, who provide no-B.S. answers to your biggest questions, new perspectives on how professionals create narratives that address tax/financial issues, or just simple information to keep you informed & proactive when it comes to money matters. Welcome to the show in the know, Where none of us, Are smarter than All of us.

    by Wayne Scully, CPA and Tax Master Attorney on May 24, 2024 at 6:18 AM

    Welcome to Another Episode of Black Pros On Money, Honey.Where none of us are smarter than all of us. Today's show is on updated information about a new law that very few of you have heard of before. It’s called BOIR - Beneficial Ownership Information Report (BOIR). The Treasury Department is the agency requiring information on you and your company. This is the same agency who regulates the IRS. This is another can't miss episode.

  • Part 2 of season in review- The Tale of Your 3 BUCKETS
    by Wayne Scully, CPA and Tax Master Attorney on May 17, 2024 at 3:42 AM

    Welcome to the 2nd Episode of the 3rd Season of  Black Pros On Money, Honey! This is the 2nd part to a two part show where we hope to keep you informed, and perhaps even mildly entertained with a frank discussion regarding a review of the 2024 Tax Season.

  • Review of 2024 tax season, Pt. 1 of 2
    by Wayne Scully, CPA and Tax Master Attorney on May 5, 2024 at 12:46 PM

    Welcome to the 1st Episode of the 3rd Season of  Black Pros On Money, Honey! This is the 1st part to a two part show where we hope to keep you informed, and perhaps even mildly entertained with a frank discussion regarding a review of the 2024 Tax Season. 

  • Why Succession Planning Is A Must Part 6
    by Wayne Scully, CPA and Tax Master Attorney on January 1, 2024 at 6:16 PM

    Today's episode deals with the final stage of The Succession Plan - Sales, Gifts & Inheritances. No matter how late or early it is, it's almost never too late to talk about something like this. We go into that and so much more on this final show for Season 2 of Black Pros On Money, Honey - where none of us are smarter than all of us! Look for us again in late April/Early May for Season 3 in 2024. Thanks for going with us where others wouldn't dare and because of that we wish you and your family a Happy New Year. P.E.A.C.E. = Proper Education Always Corrects Error

  • Planning Is A Must Part 5
    by Wayne Scully, CPA and Tax Master Attorney on December 27, 2023 at 4:36 AM

    Today's episode deals with entity-purchase agreement which controls the reassignment of ownership interest in a company in the event that a partner dies or otherwise leaves. We go into that and so much more on this can't miss episode of Black Pros On Money, Honey - where non of us are smarter than all of us!