Making the Most of Your Jamaica, NY Business’s P/L Statement
In the arena of not-so-good news, along with so many other things these days, it looks like IRS interest rates have gone up for Quarter 3. Inflationary insults to injury for Jamaica, NY business owners. With that said, the IRS has also done some good for some...
W. Scully, CPA, P.C.’s Guide to the Profit and Loss Statement
As a small business owner, you’re often preoccupied with all the things that go into running your Jamaica, NY business – the daily logistics, managing employee workflow, paying the bills, bringing in more customers… making a profit. Let’s focus on that last one,...
Three Financial Statements Jamaica, NY SMBs Need To Get Right
If you’re a successful Jamaica, NY business owner in this high-pressure time, you’ve learned to master the art of the pivot. You have learned it’s good to sometimes change direction to take advantage of new opportunities to improve your business.Pivot on...
Customer Relationship Management Software for Jamaica, NY Businesses
Apparently, it is National Small Business Week. And while I tend to think these kinds of “national weeks” or days, or what have you, are often pretty silly … well, as someone who has been in the trenches with the SMB community over the last few years, I...