Thank you for listening to another episode of Black Pros On Money, Honey where none of us are smarter than all of us.  On this episode we have a special guest Angie Tonie and she demonstrates how she got her client 57,000 by making one phone call  I don’t know...THE FIRE SALARY AND UNCLAIMED ASSETS
Welcome to Another Episode of Black Pros On Money Honey Where none of us are smarter than all of us Our intention is to help you as the business or the individual to navigate your way through the cyclical cycle of business Every week we have a tease called The Top Tax...
Changing Your Jamaica, NY Business Structure – A Savings Opportunity?
Prepare, prepare, prepare. As a recession is bearing down on us all, figuring out how to prepare for economic downturns is something you should be concerned with in your Jamaica, NY business. I know I am.Now, while you and I can’t prepare for every eventuality, we can...
Vendor Negotiation Tips for Jamaica, NY Business Owners
Is your hustle muscle feeling strong right now? I hope so because if your business is going to make it moving forward, it’s going to have to be – at least for somebody on your business team. This inflationary environment virtually demands it (as does a likely...